Fair Trade Organic
At Jameson Coffee we embrace and support programs of sustainability that provide for socio-economic equality and that utilize environmentally friendly farming practices. All of our Fair Trade Certified coffees are also 100% Certified Organic by Indiana Certified Organic, LLC. A Fair Price – The Fair Trade Certified label guarantees that farmers and workers received a fair price for their product. The Fair Trade price means that farmers can feed their families and that their children can go to school instead of working in the fields. Fair Trace Certified Quality Products – By receiving a fair price, Fair Trade producers can avoid cost cutting practices that sacrifice quality. The Fair Trade producer traditional artisanal farming methods result in exceptional products. Care for the Environment – Our Fair Trade Certified coffee is also100% Certified Organic, This means that the products you buy maintain biodiversity, provide shelter for migratory birds and help reduce global warming. Please, also see some of our Fair Trade Certified -100% Certified Organic blends and check back often as we will continue to grow our product offerings in support of this very important program of sustainability.